About Me

Hi, my name is Samantha, and I love food!!!!!!

I spend most of my time thinking about what my next meal is going to be. Unfortunately, I have developed some food allergies over the years.  Basically, I was born a vegetarian!  I am allergic to almost all meat, and most diary foods.  After learning about my allergies I started doing research on where our food comes from, and what diet is best for me.  I now attempt to eat an all vegan diet, but I don't hold myself to specific rules.  I love food and I plan on enjoying it.  If that means I sometimes indulge in some old bad habits then so be it, but moderation, moderation, moderation! Luckily for me I live in Los Angeles, California, where there are lots of options for delicious vegan cuisine. Hopefully you'll come back to check out some of my favorite veggie/vegan spots and recipes.