Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Join me in a one month raw vegan challenge...it's RAWgust. I will be sharing recipes and my over all experience throughout the cleanse! Get a group of friends to experiment together and feel free to comment below with recipes you love. Even if you are in for just a week or 3 days or the whole month, Welcome to RAWgust!! :)

Rules for RAWgust: 

* Eat raw, delicious and creatively prepped fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and sprouted grains (aim for 80% to 100% of your food to be raw) 

* No coffee/caffeine/alcohol (alright maybe a glass of wine OCCASIONALLY)

* Drink water (SO much!)

* Herbal teas are great!

* Enjoy the outdoors and stretch and exercise!

* Get lovely amounts of rest